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This website showcases the project of digitization and modeling of a major catalogue of theatrical texts in Italian, the Drammaturgia by Leone Allacci (1666). We use here as reference its revised and expanded edition by Giovanni Cendoni, Apostolo Zeno, and others (Venice, Pasquali, 1755).

Citation Suggestion

Database: Giovannini, Luca, and Giorgia Gallucci (2024). "Database: Allacci Digitale". Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10972669.

Paper: Giovannini, Luca, and Giorgia Gallucci (2024). "Digitalizzazione e modellazione della Drammaturgia di Leone Allacci". In: AIUCD 2024 Book of Abstracts. Catania: Università di Catania (forthcoming).